Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association
July 23th Slatterly Park Shelter, Potluck followed by Business Meeting
Welcome and Overview of Agenda- Catilin Doran
Alternate Side Street Parking Proposal – Naren Hulsing
Naren Presented the Proposal for the third and final time at a SPNA meeting. After discussion, it was voted 20 to 2 to send the proposal to City Staff and initiate the process of enacting an ordinance.
Comments/Questions from those present:
1) What if we already have no parking zone on one side of the street?
– The current parking ordinances will super-cede the Alternate side ordinance
2) What about residents without a garage?
– Current state is to move car daily. Alt side proposal will also require the car to be moved daily.
3) Our bus detours in the snow. How will that affect this?
– Bus may not need to detour if street is plowed wider due to having one side car-free at a time.
– 8th Ave is currently not being cleared curb to curb and this would help the plow drivers do a better job.
4) This is modeled after the regulations in Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood. We didn’t write any new requirements.
5) How will this be communicated if enacted?
– Letter from the City will be sent out
– Signage on boulevards
– Warnings before tickets, just like the roll-out in ESPNA
6) Can we promote this city-wide instead of inside SPNA?
– This was a compromise. We are only advocating for our Neighborhood, if the city wants to expand, they can.
– A signpost every 30 feet would be hard to mow around creating weed patches. A citywide campaign would need less signage.
– We want to push a cultural change with how the City deals with snow events.
7) Why is this only for daytime hours?
– City staff communicated that these are the hours they will be out plowing.
-It seems they plow our neighborhood much earlier than 8am, because we are near downtown. This may delay plowing here.
– Likes how they don’t need to worry about any parking restrictions overnight, only business hours.
8) This exists in ESPNA. Do they like it?
– Yes. SPNA met with them and after an adaptation period, it is liked and followed.
9) I drive a School Bus and we need longer hours and more months of this plan.
-We tried to match the ESPNA plan to avoid complicating things with 2 different regulations.
-We will gain more interest of City staff by keeping the rules the same.
10) Can we have less signs?
-We will ask about that.
RNeighbors Grant-/Art on the Avenue Sculpture Collaboration – Wayne, Barb, Kalianne from Art on the Avenue
To commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Art on the Avenue, the AoA, SPNA, Parks and Recreation and RNeighbors are partnering to install a large sculpture near the pedestrian bridge in Slatterly Park. At this years Art on the Avenue event Mayor Norton proclaimed this the Slatterly Park Arts District. This sculpture will be the 16th public art piece installed in the district.
The winning Artist was Paul Cassidy who has other artwork in the district. He comes from SE Rochester and has a business here. He primarily works on metal sculptures and repurposing steelwork. This sculpture is expected to last 50-100 years.
The unveiling will be roughly 7pm on August 24th During the Music and Movie in the Park event.
Upcoming events – Caitlin Doran
Park the Arts July 28th in Slatterly Park
Music and Movie in the Park August 24th.
Arts Center and a Preschool outreach from RPS will provide children’s activities. SPNA will also have games/crafts starting at 5pm.
Food by Taco Moreno. Soda and popcorn by SPNA.
Band is Young and Old Timers starting at 6pm.
Movie begins at Dusk. Coco.
Board Elections- Caitlin Doran
The next general meeting is October 22nd at Hawthorne 7pm.
We will elect new board members. Interested parties should fill out a questionnaire.
R2x Update – Cathy Clermont
Cathy gave a brief description of the R2x/TOD rezoning. Currently the phrasing of the code is set. At the August 5th (7pm) City council meeting they will vote to add parcels to the new code. SPNA is advocating for the addition of only the parcels on 3rd Ave instead of every lot north of 9th Street. We hope this will allow time for gradual transition to higher density without checker-boarding the neighborhood with multifamily housing. We also hope this allow time for some of the vague language in the code to be clarified before redevelopments in the middle of the neighborhood. Please join us at City Council on August 5th to show support for this.
Other Business – Caitlin Doran
Interested in starting a gardening Sub-Committee. Contact us. We have many garden projects in the neighborhood and look for some organizational help. Thanks Doris for all the work you put in.
Community Gardens in Slatterly Park
Butterfly Garden in Slatterly Park
Median plantings at Riverside School
Bridge Plantings on 6th Street