Community Garden

Slatterly Garden Layout

Slatterly Park Community Garden, summary.

  1. SIGN UP: The 2025 signup is:
  2. RETURN SIGNED CONTRACT: See attached garden contract. Return to listed email address:
  3. Payment: In addition to the mailing or dropping off of payment options as noted in the contract, there is also a PayPal option.

The Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) manages the Slatterly Park Community Garden with the approval to do so from the City of Rochester’s Park Board.
The Slatterly Park Community Garden (SPCG) is open for use from May 1st to October 31st yearly.

Plots are 8’ x 20’. The plots are contained within one (1) of six (6) 16’ x 20’ quadrant boxes (there are two (2) plots per box). See image.
There is no water available at the garden and gardeners are expected to haul in their own water.
The fee for the use of one (1) plot is $20. Any additional plots purchased by the same individual or group are $15 per plot.
The garden is enclosed with a decorative fence and rabbit guard fencing.
Note: a signed contract and payment must be received before planting can take place.

Make Check payable to:
Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association
Attn: Naren Hulsing
933 10th ST SE
Rochester, MN 55904