Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan


Feb. 20, 2013 Vision Plan has been adopted

What is the Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan

The Vision Plan is an opportunity for the Slatterly Park downtown neighborhood to develop a vision for the future, through a comprehensive approach, that identifies our strengths and weaknesses to develop a plan that will serve as a guide for the future. Thanks to the Rochester Area Foundation, the City of Rochester, and the Slatterly Park neighborhood this process is all possible.

Imagine a great place to call home • Get involved • Be a part of something great!

Background and Characteristics of the neighborhood:

The historic Slatterly Park Neighborhood (also previously referred to as Southeast Settlers) is bisected by a fork of the Zumbro River known as Bear Creek and is representative of the other pre-WWII urban neighborhoods that surround downtown Rochester. Originally much of the area was a part of the Graham Estate and Farm (original farm buildings including the Chick Hatchery still remain). In 1931 William Slatterly donated his homestead to become what is now Slatterly Park. It has since developed into a beautiful traditional urban neighborhood identified by its gridstreet development pattern, small lot sizes, mature boulevard trees, and predominantly single family homes. In the current Rochester Land Use Plan, the Slatterly Park Neighborhood is a combination of both Hawthorne and Mayo Run districts.

Its proximity to downtown Rochester employment, shopping, and dining as well as its connection to Rochester’s extensive bicycle and trail network ensure that these smaller, more affordable homes will form the foundation of a strong neighborhood for generations to come.


Below are the five separate sections of the final vision plan:

1) Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan

2) Neighborhood Mobility

3) Public Realm

4)  Homes, Yards, Marketplaces (this map has been deleted)

5) Land Use (Proposed Land Use)

a) Existing Land Use  (Currently on the books with planning & zonning)

b) Land Use  (modified Land Use)

c) Changed Land Use  (highlighted Land Use changes)


Imagine Slatterly LeadershipCommitee:

In March 2010 the Imagine Slatterly Leadership Committee was formed by those who stepped forward from the first two meetings.   The ISLC met once a month to discuss the results of the neighborhood gatherings and to probe deeper into the issues facing Slatterly Park Neighborhood and how to shape the future growth in through a holistic approach.   We may not have all agreed on all issues, but in the end we came together in the best interest of the neighborhood. 

Imagine Slatterly Leadership Group:


Barb Schafer, Christina Adams, Carol Keegan, Ericka Slivinski,  Ahmed Makkawy, Janice Hobbs, Wayne Flock, and recently joined Chris Voight, and Nicole Lehman who came forward from Sept. 18, 2012 meeting.

Business Leaders

Loring Stead – OMC, Steve Josiwak – State Farm, Vaughn Price – Cub Foods, Tim Macken – Macken Funeral Home, and Bucky Beeman-Snappy Stop


Timeline of Vision Plan Process: 

Feb. 20, 2013 Vision Plan goes back before the Rochester City Council for a hearing (The Vision Plan was passed by 100% vote from the City Council to adopt the Slatterly Park Vision Plan, with the removal of text referring to geographic locations within the Sunnyside NA west of Third Ave SE, north of Hwy 14, east of Broadway, and south of 9th Street SE)

Dec. 12, 2012 Neighborhood Association vote to move the Vision Plan back to the City Council (92% voted yes)

Nov. 10, 2012 Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan presentation and Q/A (repeat of Oct. 9 presentation)

Oct. 23, 2012 Slatterly Park Neighborhood Fall Quarterly Meeting and Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan presentation and Q/A (repeat of Oct. 9 presentation)

Oct. 9, 2012  Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan Informational Meeting 2

Sept. 18, 2012  Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan Informational Meeting 1

July 2, 2012 City Council Meeting 7:00pm City Hall

June 13, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 7:00pm City Hall

May 11, 2012  Final Vision Plan was sent back to Planning & Zoning

April 3 – May 10, 2012 Comments were reviewed by Imagine Leadership.

April 3, 2012 Comments were received from various City Departments

February 27, 2012 The Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan presented to the City Council Committee of the Whole (COW) to request official Planning and Zoning Review.

February 7, 2012 The Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan was sent to the Olmsted County Planning & Zoning Department for initial review.

October 1, 2011  Open Comment period closed for the final implementation of the final Document to be prepared for Planning and Zoning & City Staff Dept. review.

September 17- October 1, 2011 The Imagine Slatterly Draft Vision Plan Open Comment Period

September 17, 2011 The Imagine Slatterly Draft Vision Plan was presented back to the neighborhood (postcard sent to all property owners)

February 2010 through September 2011 Imagine Slatterly Leadership a combination of neighbors and business owners met monthly with Rochester Area Foundation to develop vision plan, a historic undertaking.

February 6, 2010  Second Public input session held at Hawthorne Education Center (postcard sent to all property owners)

January 16, 2010  First Public input session held at Hawthorne Education Center (postcard sent to all property owners)


We welcome all feedback: your comments and questions will help shape the vision plan, which will help to shape the future of Slatterly Park Neighborhood.

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1 Comment

  1. I would love to see the Imagine Slatterly Vision Plan to be updated. Or if there is a newer version have that uploaded to the website.

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