Slatterly Park Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting

Tuesday, February 5th 2019, 7pm Hawthorne Room 315

(Originally Scheduled for January 22nd delayed for weather)

Welcome: Caitlin Doran- President of SPNA

Events: Maddie Bach

Saturday(2/9) at Redeemer Church 10-12p Winterfest- Crafts for kids and cooking demo from Choo-Choo-Ca Chew

Spring Food truck Festival TBD

Art on the Avenue May 18th

Spring/Summer event TBD

Melissa Stewart-Ring -Neighborhood Development chair

Presented on happenings at the newly elected City Council/Mayor’s office.

Bike lanes open house on Feb 12th for the Center St. and 3/4th Ave corridors.

Kmart is closing- potential for transit hub nothing set yet. Information will be shared as it becomes available.

R2X: Cathy Clermont

Presents briefly on changes to the Land Development Manual. Updates to the initial draft include things we asked for like shorter lengths and compromise on the 45’ height. Now also required are Neighborhood informational meetings for multifamily developments. The hearing in front of Planning Commission is Feb 13th 6pm.

Alternate Side Parking: Naren Hulsing

From a previous meeting consensus, Naren was tasked with exploring options related to implementation of new parking restrictions neighborhood-wide. Alternate side parking following the existing model in Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood would be the simplest proposal with the most positive impact. Goal is to allow plows to clear snow better and prevent narrowing of streets in winter to allow passage of traffic and emergency vehicles.

Plan would be between 8a-5p December 1st to March 1st. On Even Calendar days parking would only be allowed on Even numbered sides of the Street and Odd days on Odd sides. Plan would cover all streets in Slatterly Park that do not already have no parking zones or special parking restrictions.

SPNA plans to notify neighbors through social media and email list. As well as flyer drop offs on doorsteps. We are looking for volunteers to drop off flyers, possible Block Champions.

Public comments:

Who pays for the flyers? – SPNA

Social media will miss informing some residents.

I should be able to park in front of my house

Can we have Odd/Even parking only in snow emergency or 2”+ of snowfall like Chicago?- Concerns about how to notify people that this was 2” of snow.

Other towns do this with no issues, complaint driven system- cars ticketed only when calls are made.

Not long enough- needs to be from fall to May to cover leaf sweepers and late season snowfall as well

Streets are for driving- make it easier to drive down the street. – But Cars move slower on more narrow streets.

Have you considered permit parking like Kutsky Park? – I don’t want to pay the city to park on my street. Hassle of having visitors, buying permits.

I don’t want to move my car every day. – Currently 12 hour parking restrictions on all Rochester streets.

Weather driven odd/even parking may have less compliance than an everyday plan.


Other business:

Redeemer Lutheran Church is having a Radon speaker on Feb 18th 7-8pm. Free to drop in

FYI- If the snow is too high on corners (and cleared from sidewalk) call public works to send a plow back out. Free salt/sand mix available at Soldiers Field near YMCA. Bring your own bucket.

Treasurer report- Naren Hulsing: over $4000 in account. Some earmarked for Sculpture in Slatterly Park that hoes to be installed this year.

Idea to invite Art on the Avenue Representative to the next meeting to talk about Sculpture and upcoming event this year.

For community Garden sign up and info contact Melissa Stewart-Ring

Redeemer Lutheran Church has their 3 days of service project this summer June 10th. If you have ideas for neighborhood projects or neighbors in need of help contact them. They helped many residents last year and in prior years in Slatterly Park.

Doris Amundsen reports that the irrigation is not yet fixed on the 6th St Bridge but she will contact the city about it.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm





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