Update: Here are SPNA Quarterly Neighborhood Meeting Minutes 4.25.17
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The next Slatterly Park Neighborhood Association Quarterly Neighborhood Meeting is coming up on April 25, 7- 9 pm at Hawthorne in room 114. Please join us! There are some hot items on the agenda:
- Proposed Bethel Park and Ride: We will share the latest information on this proposal with you. In addition, we’re hoping to get a special guest speaker to come. Perhaps Mark Bilderback and/or the city traffic engineer. We’ll let you know.
- Emerald Ash Borer: Some of you may have heard of this insect. We’ll we’re sorry to report that it has arrived in Slatterly and will potentially impact many residents who have ash trees. Neighborhood Association president, Cathy, is a trained tree inspector and will be sharing some information from the City Forester on how to identify ash trees and the emerald ash borer, how to prevent problems, and how to deal with problems if you already have in infestation.
- Upcoming Neighborhood Events:
– Litter Bit Better: April 22, 1pm, Slatterly Park.
– RNeighbors Tree Planting: May 9, 4-8pm
– Art on the Avenue: May 20
– Med City Marathon: May 28
– Street Mural painting: June 3
Fore more info on upcoming events, view our 2017 Events poster.