The City of Rochester is in the process of updating our comprehensive plan. The plan, entitled Planning 2 Succeed (P2S) will guide the development of the community for the next 20 years. During this time, Rochester’s growth is expected to continue, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Comprehensive planning positions the City for long-term resilience. It supports changing demographics, housing demand, multi-modal transportation needs, growth in jobs and visitors, and more – while working with finite human, financial, and natural/environmental resources.
In order for this effort to be successful, we need input from ALL members of the community. As we move through this process, your opportunities for your input will progress. Currently, the best way for you to participate is through an online game-like tool called CrowdGauge. A brief presentation is provided here to give you an intro to this tool. This tool will allow you to explore tradeoffs and priorities and will give the planning team valuable insight into how you see your community growing in the future. We will use this input to create future scenarios and inform the ultimate plan. The tool will remain online throughout the project; however, the cut-off for responses to be included in the scenarios will be March 30th.
To participate in this innovative exercise, you can:
1) Visit the Planning 2 Succeed website for additional information
2) Play and promote the online version of CrowdGauge
3) Host an in person version of CrowdGauge
4) Host a facilitated in person session of the CrowdGauge
The difference between options 2 and 3 is that option 3 includes a member of the planning staff to serve as a facilitator. When requesting option 4 for a facilitator, we prefer to have 15 or more individuals in attendance. Times for staff facilitated events are limited and based on group size and staff availability.
If you are interested in options 3 or 4, please contact Jennifer Garness at 507 328-7105 or for more information.