Location: Peace Plaza Downtown 1st Ave SW & 1st St SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Feb. 9-11, 2012
Time: 4:30-9:00pm
Price: Free Admission
Featuring over 200 ft. of ice, SocialICE will be once again the largest outdoor ice bar in the upper Midwest. The layout will expand this year and will include up to eight additional satellite ice bars. All satellite bars will be themed with various beverage distributors and specialty drinks. Enjoy the ambiance of the ice and lighting as you sit in the ice lounge, drink from real ice glasses, and enjoy the live music.
SocialICE will offer live music from 7-8:30 pm each night and a live DJ from 4:30-7pm & 8:30-9:00 pm. All entertainment will perform live in the skyway over the Peace Plaza with music streamed out onto the Plaza for the ice bar attendees to enjoy.