Slatterly Park Board Members

Below is a list of Slatterly Park Board Members and board positions, click on link to review Q/A. board members used as candidates for election/re-election:

Randy Schubring – President

Cathy Clermont  – Vice President

Chris Voigt  – Treasurer

Barb Schafer – Secretary

Vanessa Carroll – Marketing/Branding

Wayne Flock  – Events Chair


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  1. Good Afternoon,

    I am the civil engineering consultant on the proposed Associated Bank project located on the east side of South Broadway Ave across from Fire Station 1 and north of Hazama Park. The site is located within the Downtown Parking Overlay Zone and because of that the owner is required to obtain a conditional use permit for a surface parking lot.

    David Knight, a representative from Associated Bank, is available to meet on July 30th or 31st and we were wondering if we could arrange a brief meeting (30 minutes) with you to discuss the project. David and I are available any time either day.

    Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.

    Craig Britton
    C: (507) 421-1494

  2. What can I do about a problem rental house next to me. Tried calling the owner . I live on. 115 10 1/4 st se. Rochester mn

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